CFI Photo Gallery
Welcome aboard David Nelson, CFI's new CEO
Greg Mueller, Board of Directors, welcomes new Center for Independence CEO David Nelson at the 40th Anniversary Celebration at CMU August 5th, 2022.
Current & Former CFI Staff & BOD
Former and current CFI Board of Directors, staff and volunteers at the Center’s celebration at the CMU ballroom.
Entertainment by the Tune Weavers Collective
From left: Eric Gross, Brian Flenniken, Pete Langford and Terry McGovern entertain the 40th Anniversary Celebration guests at the CMU ballroom.
Commemoration Day Art Installation
CFI held a commemoration day on Nov. 1 to honor Mesa County citizens lost to COVID-19. White flags were installed to represent the 334 people who have died.
Forever In Our Hearts
A visitor to CFI’s Commemoration Day stands in front of a banner honoring Mesa County residents lost to COVID-19 while she waits in line for a vaccine booster shot.
Adaptive Bike
Joanne Stamp, Low Vision/Blind Program Specialist, tests out an adaptive bike.
Ensight Comes to CFI
Cori Layton of Ensight Skills Center in Fort Collins works with CFI consumer Joyce for a low vision services evaluation.
CFI Market on Main Farmers Market Booth
Lynn Jolley, CFI board member, helps out during Grand Junction Farmers’ Market in August 2021.
CFI Sharing Information
Mary Moore, Housing Advocate & Youth Services case manager offers information from our booth at farmers market about CFI programs.
ADA Celebration at Highline Lake
Sage Lopez points to the CFI piñata in anticipation of goodies to come at the CFI 2021 company picnic.
CFI 2021 Company Picnic
CFI staff and family enjoy a picnic as well as fun activities at Highline Lake in celebration of the 31st Annual Americans With Disabilities Act.
40th Anniversary Celebration
Board members Jennifer Shook and Greg Mueller present outgoing Executive Director Linda Taylor with a retirement gift at CFI’s 40th Anniversary Celebration at CMU ballroom.
CFI Teammates
Katherine Seaton, summer volunteer, and Joanne Stamp, low vision program manager, have a laugh during CFI’s 40th Anniversary Celebration at CMU..
MCPH Mobile Vaccine Van
Mesa County Public Health’s mobile vaccine van stands ready to deliver local citizens a vaccine or booster shot.
Gaining Independence
Chris Brown of Brown’s Cycles and CFI consumer Michael Bates discuss his new adult tricycle that was secured through a grant. The tricycle has given Michael a new-found independence.
Ensight Skills Center Helps CFI Consumers
Cori Layton of Ensight Skills Center of Fort Collins works with CFI consumer Joyce for a low vision services evaluation.
Teaching by Example
Lily, low vision/blind peer mentor volunteer for CFI shows a mom and daughter at farmers market how she uses a Perkins Brailler to create a message on a card.
Public Relations Assistant
Gabby, daughter of a CFI staff member, assists with games and greeting visitors at the CFI booth at Palisade Farmers Market.
"Guess How Many" Challenge
A visitor to the CFI booth at Market on Main, Grand Junction, gauges how many eyeballs are in the jar for a chance to win a $50 gift card to The Hog & Hen on Main Street.
CFI 2021 Company Picnic
CFI staff and family members enjoy some paddling around Highline Lake.
Pumping Up For Paddle Boarding
Filling up the paddle boards for some fun in the lake.
Live Music for CFI's Company Picnic
Staff and family members enjoy some live music performed by the Tune Weavers Collective at the Highline Lake shelter.
Champions for the Disability World
Lynn Jolley and Mary Moore with Service Dog Tarka chat during the CFI company ADA picnic.
40th Anniversary Celebration
Mary Moore in front of her art director friend Joe Musso’s orginal artwork on display at the silent auction for Center for Independence on August 5th at CMU.
40th Anniversary Celebration
Silent auction baskets sit on a table in front of the Roots banner, one of CFI’s banner sponsors for the 40th Anniversary Celebration event at CMU ballroom.
In Honor of Lives Lost
Commemoration Day event at Center for Independence honoring 334 lives lost to COVID-19 in Mesa County.
Waiting In Line for a Vaccine
People stand in line in front of Center for Independence waiting for a COVID-19 shot provided by Mesa County Public Health.
NHLA Group Meeting
A group of members from the National Hearing Loss Assosication listen to a speaker as they present on technology available.
Cori Layton of Ensight Skills Center
Cori Layton, Rehabilitation Director at Ensight in Fort Collins works with CFI consumer Joyce in Grand Junction for a low vision services evaluation.
Low Vision/Blind Peer Mentor Shares Skills
Lily, CFI volunteer, demonstrates to visitors at farmers market how to use a Brailler.
"Guess How Many" Challenge
Scott Betts, creator of One Bike – A Folk/Jazz Opera, shares a fun moment with CFI staff at the Farmers Market booth.
Reaching Out to Our Communities
CFI staff greet visitors to our booth at Palisade Sunday Farmers Market.
Setting Up For the Picnic
Lynn Jolley, CFI board member pitches in to help with decorations for the 2021 CFI company picnic.
Yummm! Homestyle Bakery Cake
Enjoying a celebratory piece of cake at the company picnic.
Hoisting the Piñata Full of Goodies
Getting ready for the big piñata event for the children of CFI staff at the company picnic at Highline Lake.
40th Anniversary Celebration at CMU Ballroom August 5th, 2022
Case manager Frank Rivas stands in front of CFI’s photo booth at the 40th Anniversary Celebration on August 5th at the Colorado Mesa University Ballroom.
We Love Our Volunteers!
Volunteers Lorna Reed and Mark and Arlene Connolly help decorate the stage with a nautical theme for the 40th Anniversary Celebration at the CMU ballroom on August 5th.
MCPH Director Jeff Kuhr
Mesa County Public Health Director, Jeff Kuhr stands in the middle of the Commemoration Day Art Installation at CFI as he reflects on the 334+ lives lost to COVID-19 in Mesa County.
Signing Up For a Vaccine
Mesa County Public Health Director admin assisting nurses for the mobile vaccine van answers questions for Linda Taylor, Executive Director for Center for Independence on Nov. 1.
CFI Staff & Salida Chamber Celebrate New CFI Satellite Office
Regional Program Manager, Tobie Thurman and Case Manager, Amber Jacobs get ready to cut the grand opening ribbon along with the Salida Chamber of Commerce dignitaries.
CFI Staff Member Receives Vaccine #2 at St. Mary's Medical Center
Marketing/Communications manager, Katherine Lopez rolls up her sleeve for round 2 of the Covid-19 vaccine.
CFI Director of Programs & Operations Shows Off Technology
Billy Allen displays CFI’s new application for our QR Code.
Trying Out Typewriter for the Blind
Frank Rivas, Community Transitions Coordinator for CFI tries out a Perkins Brailling machine at the CFI farmers market booth.
Dressing Up For CFI Picnic
Pink plastic flamingos adorn the lawn at Highline Lake for the company picnic.
CFI 2021 Company Picnic
Joanne Stamp, Low Vision/Blind Program Manager, stands ready to lend a hand setting up the BBQ line.
A Delectable Cake!
A Homestyle Bakery cake in honor of the 31st ADA anniversary and CFI company picnic at the beach.